Adway Wadekar

Undergraduate at Duke University


Curriculum Vitae


I'm a senior at Duke University studying mathematics and statistics. I am interested in a broad array of statistical topics, including statistical genetics, missing data, survey statistics, differential privacy and applications to the biomedical and social sciences. On the more mathematical side, I have a growing interest in high-dimensional probability and algebraic and geometric statistics.

At Duke, I am currently working with Profs. Jerry Reiter and Jichun Xie. I also work with Prof. Chirag Patel at Harvard Medical School.

Outside of research, I have a strong interest in journalism and worked as a news reporter and editor for The Chronicle, Duke's independent newspaper.

I am an avid basketball fan and work on the creative team for Duke Men’s Basketball.



  1. Wadekar, A.S. and Reiter, J.P. (2024). “Evaluating binary outcome classifiers estimated from survey data.” Epidemiology (forthcoming).
  2. Wadekar, A.S. (2020). “A psychosocial approach to predicting substance use disorder (SUD) among adolescents.” In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM Intl. Conf. on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 819-826.
  3. Wadekar, A.S. (2020). “Understanding Opioid Use Disorder using tree-based classifiers.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 208, 107839.

Ongoing projects

  1. Towards nonlinear proteomic risk scores for quantitative phenotypes at biobank scale.
  2. Decision analyses in the presence of missing data.
  3. Testing for geometry in random simplicial complexes constructed in negatively curved spaces.
  4. Applying statistical knockoffs to detect (causal) common variants in genome-wide association studies.


Below is a selection of my recent clips.